the Y

Illustration, the Y
As part of the NYA LÖVHOLMEN work we took an interest in exploring current ownership and power in the area. Today, all properties, apart from a Y-shaped street, are owned by private landowners.
The city's primary means of power is the so called detailed planning process – a legally binding plan drawing stating the functions and height of buildings. Citizens' primary means of power is to speak their mind in the press, through activism, in citizen proposals, in consultations or in other public forums.
Is it possible, then, to make the control of the blueprint into a sword?
What would the urban environment look like if the city exploited its own land as extreme as they allow the private actors?
the Y is an idea for a building shaped to fill every centimeter of the city's land on Lövholmen - designed as high as the tallest private buildings - 21 floors. A public building programmed in the interest of the public.
If the city had presented the Y as its counterproposal, and denied the landowners the detailed plan they want, the land would become worthless overnight.
the Y is not a real proposal, but an open question about how the city can withstand pressure from powerful private companies.

Existing plan of Lövholmen with "the Y" marked in turquoise. Buildings with diagonal hatch are planned to be demolished according to the city's and landowners' plan.

Axonometric view, illustration. The Y together with existing buildings (in dark grey) at Lövholmen

"the Y" in turquoise together with the city's and landowners' planned development from 2018 (orange buildings)

"the Y" in turquoise together with the city's and landowners' planned development from 2018 (orange buildings)